anaxgumMaster Kit
sku: 25001010-I- Includes every shade in paste and flow from the anaxGUM product line.
- Gingiva paint and pastes to replicate ALL pigmentations.
- Ideal kit for patients of all skin tones
- A kit designed for those who perform gingiva characterization like a boss.
Kit Contents:
anaxgum Opaquers, 3g: Light & Dark Pink
anaxgum Pastes, 4g: Light Pink, Dark Pink, Orange Pink, Purple Pink, and Brown PInk.
anaxgum Flow, 3g: Translucent Pink, Light Pink, Dark Pink, and Orange Pink.
anaxgum Paint, 3g: Red, Purple, and Cream.
Additional: Bond LC, Model LC, Cover Gel, Rack (Syringe Organizer), and (18) Application Tips.